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News > Alumni News > Success for our first Giving Day

Success for our first Giving Day

The 16 and 17 May saw an exciting first for Dame Allan’s Schools, our inaugural Giving Day!
Giving Day launch
Giving Day launch

This very special event, organised by Development Officer Mrs Leonard, sparked a host of fun and engaging activities across both the Junior and Senior Schools, designed to raise awareness and support for our transformational Bursary Awards.

The fun began on 16 May at the Junior School,where pupils of all ages enjoyed an Olympic-themed day of celebration, featuring a fun outdoor inflatable, house competitions, a Giving Day picnic lunch, and lots of other engaging activities.

On 17 May - specially chosen to mark Dame Allan’s founding year of 1705 - Senior pupils and staff rallied to create a fantastically celebratory atmosphere. Competition was fierce in the house fun run, which culminated in a tricky (but hilarious!) inflatable obstacle course. A huge well done too to the staff who were brave enough to take on the inflatable gauntlet, including Principal Mr Scott and Bursar Mrs McDonald! Senior School pupils also marked the occasion with a special Giving Day themed dessert, created by our talented catering team.

Mr Scott said: We are so grateful to everyone who got involved on the day to show their support, and of course, those who made kind donations to our bursary fund. Thanks to your kindness, we managed to raise an incredible £84,612, which will help even more children within our local community to access a Dame Allan’s education, and to fulfil their potential.

Mrs Leonard added: “I’d like to say a very special thank you also to the pupils, past and present, who very kindly shared their experience of attending Dame Allan’s on an assisted place. Your openness and generosity really helped to bring Giving Day to life.”

You can find out more about Giving Day and the Dame Allan’s Bursary Fund by contacting Mrs Leonard at

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